Photo Gallery: SHE (Safety Health & Environment)

Fairground Holdings aims at maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for its employees and customers. A team of 15 members of staff has been trained as Fire Marshals and First Aiders to lead and model safety excellence in the workplace. Veiw Gallery

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Photo Gallery: Change Agents

The Fairground Holdings vibrant Change Agents team has been established to drive staff welfare action plans, initiatives, and activities in order to improve staff morale and team spirit.

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Photo and Video Gallery: Role Switch

Occasionally staff members are engaged in role switch. This exercise enables employees to appreciate different roles and challenges experienced by their colleagues.

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Photo Gallery: Team Building

An activity aimed at improving staff morale and teamwork. The team gathered with the intention of enhancing employee engagement, collaboration, and communication. “In Union There Is Strength”

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Photo Gallery: Beauty pageants

An exciting event of creative arts that unleashed hidden talents and potential in some of the staff members. “Potential is a priceless treasure like gold. All of us have hidden gold within us but we have to dig to get it out” Joyce Meyer. • Beauty pageants, • Poets •

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Photo Gallery: Birthday Celebrations

Human Capital is an asset to the Company, we take pride in celebrating our employee birthdays as a way of appreciating their lives.

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